Searching for Locations

Searching for Locations

Quick Search

Searches in 25Live are categorized by object type: Events, Locations, Resources, and Organizations.  They may be accessed from the "Quick Search" panel on your 25Live Home Page

To search for a location simply enter the building name or part of the name within the "Locations" field:

Quick Search - Locations
Quick Search - Locations


You may designate the spaces you plan to use frequently as a "Starred Location".  To do so simply select the star to the left of the location name:

Location list with starred locations.
Location list with starred locations


Once you have "starred" the locations you expect to use frequently, you may quickly view the availability of your favorite spaces by bookmarking and using this URL: My Favorite/Starred Locations:


Location List - Daily Availability
Location List - Daily Availability

(Hint: To create an event request, simply select an available time block to open the Event Form for that date and time)

Your starred locations are also listed within your 25Live Home Page:

Starred Locations



Public Location Searches


Another method to search for space is to use preexisting "Public Location" searches:

1) Click "Go To Search" within the blue banner.

Availability Grid Instructions Slide Step 1
Availability Grid Instructions Slide Step 1

2) Within the "Select Object" field select "Locations"

3) Click the Saved Searches (Optional) field and you will be able to choose from several "Public Searches" (ex: SARC-Fabrication Lab)

4) To view the availability of the spaces, select "Availability".

5) Set the date as necessary.

Availability Grid Instructions Slide 2
Availability Grid Instructions Slide 2

Search Results:

Location Search Results
Location Search Results

To create an event request, simply select an available time block to open the Event Form.

Most Frequently Accessed Public Location Searches


Learn more at the 25Live Help Site or contact UVA’s 25Live Administrator .