"Reserve" vs. "Request"

"Reserve" vs. "Request"

Within the full "Event Form", the "Location Search" section will contain spaces returned by the search you utilized.  In the example below we used "My Spaces" which returned all available spaces.   You will notice that non-academic classroom spaces* have the green "Reserve" button, while academic classroom space will be listed with the blue "Request" button.


Reserve vs Request
Reserve vs Request


What is the difference????  When you click "Reserve", the space is assigned automatically and listed on the space calendar.  Spaces associated with the blue "Request" button must be assigned by the Event Scheduler before your event is added to the space calendar.  This is typically accomplished when the event scheduler reviews and confirms your event.  Do not be alarmed if you do not immediately see your event on the calendar when using "Request". 

In either case (Reserve vs Request), your event will need to be reviewed and confirmed by an event scheduler before making plans to use the space. 

Upon submitting your request, you will receive a system generated email with information pertaining to the space you selected.  If you have any questions, please contact your event scheduler.

* Spaces associated with the green "Reserve" button include: Intramural Recreational spaces, Batten space, Architecture PinUp and Fab-Lab Space